

Sunday - 9AM PRAISE & WORSHIP, 9:30AM SUNDAY SCHOOL, 9:30AM BIBLE LESSON, 10:30AM FELLOWSHIP & SNACK. WednesDAY - 7:00am mens bible study, 6:30PM BIBLE STUDY

Ministry and discipleship

† We minister internally.In Galatians 6:10, we are commanded to do good to all. The command comes with an emphasis, (especially to those who are of the household of faith). For this reason we take extra measures to serve the needy within our midst.† We minister externally.Jesus gave us the ultimate example. As He brought a message of healing and hope to the lost, He generally spoke first with actions, and then with words. As believers, we should also be preaching the gospel, not only with our testimonies and our tracts, but also with an intense display of love and service.Making Disciples† We emphasize evangelismThe first step in making disciples is introducing people to their Savior. Our goal is to make the message of God’s love a reality to those who are still lost without Jesus.† We emphasize discipleshipBelievers in Christ need love, encouragement and direction. We strive to provide each of these, both corporately and individually, as these are what the church is called to give..
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