

Sunday - 9AM PRAISE & WORSHIP, 9:30AM SUNDAY SCHOOL, 9:30AM BIBLE LESSON, 10:30AM FELLOWSHIP & SNACK. WednesDAY - 7:00am mens bible study, 6:30PM BIBLE STUDY


WORSHIP IS AN ALL ENCOMPASSING ATTITUDE that should find expression in every part of our life. I Corinthians 10:31 tells us, in whatever we do, to do it unto the glory of God. One of the ways we express our worship corporately, is through the avenue of music. Here at Calvary Chapel, the topic of worship is not an issue of contemporary or traditional. It’s simply a matter of God’s provision. We have not asked those who serve to fit their gifts in a prescribed box of style. Instead, we have asked them to use what is in them, to lead the congregation in worship. Corporate worship requires a sensitive balance between free expression, and consideration to fellow worshipers. Expression is encouraged, up until the point that it hinders others from focusing on Jesus.† God desires to receive our worship. God created us with a purpose. He desires His creation to know Him, walk with Him and WORSHIP Him. For this reason, we place heavy emphasis upon worship. Worship extends beyond the sounds of our musical instruments and into the actions of our physical instruments. We are called to make our actions and our motivations in everyday life pleasing to God. † God gave us a desire to worship. Man always finds a way to worship. If he’s not bowing down to a number of gods, he’s giving his adoration to systems of success and material possession. Worship is wired into us. God’s perfect design is for man to worship Him. As we serve and adore our Creator, we establish and build upon the intimacy that He is longing to have with us. Worship is an integral link to spiritual growth.
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